Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thankful Thursday

No baby update this week. I feel like it would have been a redundant post so this week is a Thankful Thursday instead. I know you have all missed them since the days of It Just Is.

There is plenty to be thankful for right now so here's a few:

- The little person that will be joining our family in a few months. Obviously that makes the list.

- The weather. It's okay that it was snowing yesterday, because it is all melted and sunny today.

- Lemongrass essential oil. There is this cool new thing happening to me. I call it "racne", and that's about the only detail you need to be able to figure out what it is. I've always had zits on my face but never really any other place until now. So I don't know if its the pregnant thing or what but racne has come into my life and lemongrass mixed with almond oil for the carrier is definitely bringing improvement to this ailment.

- My job. Anyone who has talked to me in the last nine months about my job will be suprised this is on my thankful list. But it is nice to have a little extra money to save. And it's not the worst job... except when it is.

- Summer vacation.  It's in 53 days and I love counting down to it.

- Travis Kyle Dulaney. Wow. These last few months have been the laziest and whiniest of my life and he gets to be affected by this more than anyone else. He is so so so so so so so so good to me. Definitely thankful for him.

That's good enough for now. Happy Thankful Thursday!

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